Tuesday, April 6, 2010


They say that it's always darkest before the dawn. The thing that they don't tell you is how long before dawn.

I decided that the starboard hull of the A-cat was a little bit too screwed up to deal with and so I stripped the remaining hardware off of the port hull and started in on that.

First thing I did was plonk it on the bathroom scale - 45 Lbs. FORTY FIVE POUNDS!!!!

Oh my science!
Oh Bruised Purgatory!
Oh the humanity!

That pretty much put paid to any idea I might have had about using the A-cat hulls as amas. I can still salvage this by admitting that I've got to use only one of them as the vaka (where 45 lbs isn't all that bad) and building a pair of amas myself.

I was going to build a plug, pull some molds off of it, and then pull a pair of hulls from the mold. Too expensive (I think - I'm still running the numbers). Right now, I'm planning on carving a pair of blue foam amas and covering them in a light layer of carbon - not too expensive and almost as good.

The plus side of this plan is that I get to build a pair of long wave piercers. I might even move the rudder from the vaka to a pair of smaller rudders on the amas. This way, I could have a little bit more sail area and risk flying the main hull.

The initial design of the ama has about 377 lbs of flotation which is about enough to fly the main hull - if I can lay off the cookies.

More later - got to get some sleep

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